Well the short answer is obviously yes, Sarah is having a baby... but I'm not sure that that is the question that Elspeth was asking. Particularly as she was gazing at my waistline at the time. I have realised that there's nothing that makes you wish you were more disciplined about going to the gym than when your daughter, in her own way, suggests that you might benefit from using that membership...
Today has been a bit traumatic, Sarah was sickly so I came home via the doctor and the chemist, Sarah had a check up yesterday and she's a little anaemic, so I picked up the prescription and got some Lucozade. I sent Sarah packing to bed and Elspeth and I played all afternoon, I made tea and bathed her and read her books. Strangely she was off her milk, and asked to go to bed 3/4 through the 4th book of the usual 6.
Anyway about an hour or so later there was a cry and it seems that poor Elspeth has caught her mummy's bug. I have quarantined the sicky's in our bedroom whilst I shall be in the spare room. I put the dirtied bed clothes and bits in the washer on super wash and super rinse, so instead of the usual 69 minute program it a 132 minute one... just hope that I don't get the lurgy.
Sarah is determined to get a picture of the "bump" this time, we did try last time when she was carrying Elsepth, it's just that as she was teaching it was incredible how many outfits were black, black hides all manner of shape misdemeanors. Sarah has colourful tops this time round so hopefully bump pictures to follow.
The bird feeder has been near empty and refilled twice since I last blogged... [just for you bird lovers out there]