Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Daddy why do you watch football?
The question posed by Elspeth as I endured another dour England performance... well at least it's not a repeat of wat appears to be her favourite question at the moment "Daddy, why do boys have penises?" for the moment she's satisfied with the answer "because that's the way they're made" but for how much longer can I get away with it?
Monday, June 26, 2006
Daddy, daddy, daddy... I've missed you
One of the sweetest sounds a father returning from work could possibly hear as his eldest daughter bounds up to him, clutches both legs and hugs them... followed by a nuzzling, me asking "Elspeth, what are you doing?" to which she replied "wiping my nose on your trousers..." ah children the joy of ages....
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Sunday, June 18, 2006
A princess in her castle

We spent the weekend in Castleton, stayng in the Youth Hostel, a pleassurable and recommended experience. It's about 18 years since I last stayed in the youth Hostel, it's not changed a great deal although they now do food of decent quality and have a bar. Elspeth had a whale of a time, trying each and every one of the bunk beds again and again.
On Sunday a trip up to Peverill Castle was called for, I carried Elspeth on my back in a carrier and Sarah pushed Jemima up in the push chair... making up for our neglecting the gym...
The view was worth the trek, the journey down was.. erm, interesting, towing a push chair with baby...
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
England scrape a victory... whilst we baked
We had a very busy weekend, on Saturday whilst England were toiling in the heat of Germany we were enjoying the limited hospitality of Renault and the adventure playground at Chatsworth House. I'd received an invitation to test drive Renaults finest at Chatsworth which included free entry to House and Gardens or Farm and adventure playground... Needless to say, I looked but didn't drive... the Espace is a very well appointed vehicle, it is likely to be out of our price range though. How I'd have loved to ascend the cascade of water in the grounds, instead I made do with a stream of water in the adventure playground. It's great for children big and small, sand pits, water, climbing frames and a huge wooden castle adventure zone on a hill top. We almost had a hysterical child before we got to the top though as there's a tunnel into the hill (which would appear to be concrete sewer pipes) which lead to a latter and you climb up and out and the playground is before you, having navigated the tunnel, about 20 metres long, Elspeth wanted to go out...er it's a 1 way system and there are 4 children behind us.... swiftly picking her up and ascending the ladder... phew! After Chatsworth and ice creams we went to Bakewell and had a good time with Pam and Brian.
Sunday morning was weird, we'd packed so much into Saturday I woke feeling that it was Monday... Church on Sunday was with the Salvation Army in Doncaster, not sure about the uniforms, God was there and we were in fellowship. After church we went to the Peaks, Ladybower reservoir for a pic nic and a walk, then to Castleton for a not entirely successful cuppa. My banoffee appeared to be offee - tasty, but could do with some ban, and Sarah's "moist" carrot cake was like a brick, what with Sarah attempting to feed Jemima and the darling throwing up all over her.. hey the joys of parenthood.
Friday, June 09, 2006
The first little one is now three....
Well [again] it's been a while... a lot has happened... before you know it the small screaming bundle [ok not so screamy] is growing up fast and is having yet another birthday, Elspeth was 3 on the 7th June, and we had a party on the Sunday beforehand, lots of little friends with their parents, the sun shone, games were played and food enjoyed.
Many thanks to family and friends for the many gifts, I had briefly entertained the idea of putting Elspeth's wish list on the blog, but it was very long and a little girl doesn't need all the things that she said she'd like...
The sunny and very warm evenings are proving quite difficult to get the little darlings off to sleep, the other evening Elspeth asked "when will it be dark?", I answered saying "about 10 o'clock" to which Elspeth replied "when it's really my bed time?"
Elspeth was very pleased with all her gifts on Wednesday, the easel was a huge success and the prolific artist keeps churning them out... Window pens were the best gift though I feel, everyday on returning home there are fresh window pictures for me to see.
Elspeth has decided on her and Jemima's nick names... Elspeth prefers munchkin, Jemima is mini munchkin...
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