lets face it we've got to be: particularly when the highlight of the day is your youngest daughters' 1st wholly successful trip on the potty. For a while now Jemima has sat on the potty on odd times when she's said she was doing a wee... usually whilst still wearing a nappy, but on occasion without nappy, but with no result.
Today was different... the murmur "I doing a wee" was not unusual with Jemima on the potty, what was unusual was the level of distress which followed after 5 minutes or so when I said to put her nappy on, she became an immovable rock on that pink throne.. the heightened levels of angst [from her not me] were relieved when the unmistakable sound of someone relieving themselves in a potty were heard -
"Mummy guess what Jemima's done...?" followed by a round of applause at the achievement... believing the "job to be done" again trying to extract daughter from potty caused extreme distress... after a bit of huffing and puffing Jemima declared what was obvious.
Again believing the job done, trying to talk her into standing and wiping and reapplying nappy were a measure of my political negotiations... [need more work]. Previous distress was nothing to the distress caused by daddy casually passing the potty to mummy to dispose of... relieved [no pun intended] only when Jemima escorted the custodian of the no. 2 to the toilet to watch over the safe disposal of her treasures...
This separation anxiety from her no. 2's and Jemima's habit of standing up and picking the potty up as she stands [using the handle at the back] are ones, to be firmly discouraged now...