Thursday, December 01, 2005

I'm not touching anything daddy...

Only the "th" in anything comes out like "s". Elspeth is a cheeky little girl... Sarah has been super organised and done most of the Christmas pressie shopping already. As a result they're stacked in bags and boxed in the dining room. Elspeth was stood peering at the presents, I assume trying to peek within [she knows what's in them as she wrapped them!]. Anyway I asked her "Elspeth, what are you doing?", to which the cheeky lady said "I'm not tousing anysing Daddy".... eventhough she was caught red-handed with her digits on the biggest bag. Recently she's developed the responses "not doing anysing" and "not tousing anysing"... she's also started the "what for" question, which as you can imagine is driving Sarah potty during the day... Oh, by the way, she's pretty good at keeping secrets - so none of you relatives will be able to get out of her what gift you're getting.
This weekend we're off down to Southampton to see friends, hopefully not a bitter sweet visit - as it will be great to catch up with friends, but our hearts will be with some close friends who had their 3rd son, at only 27 weeks. He's little and fighting....
Bird feeder - empty again....[ it's just not good enough.... ]

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