The kind words from Elspeth as I picked up both sets of car keys and the can of de-icer. It was freezing, the little trip computer on my dashboard was flashing -4, sitting inside with engine running having squirted about half a can of de-icer on the windows. There were other people de-icing their cars at the same, they were all to a man, well -women... perhaps in Yorkshire the man sits with his toes warm and sends the woman to do the de-icing... must try that [you'll probably hear Sarah's laughing from Scotland], with the laughter ringing in my ears I suppose you'll find me topping up the screenwash and anti-freeze in both cars....
Over the last few evenings Elspeth has become concerned for our safety when venturing out at night, I had to convince her that I was fine when popping out for an important shopping mission last night. Simon, Eve's dad [Elspeth's friend round the corner] was coming round for some violence on the PS2. Sarah was going to spend an evening with Vicky [Eve's mum, Simon's wife - you get the picture]. And I HAD to go to TESCO to get some beer and Doritos. So once I'd convinced Elspeth that I'd be fine in the dark I was allowed to go...
Eve is about 5 weeks younger than Elspeth, Vicky is also pregnant with child 2, due about 5 weeks before our second bundle of joy.
At some point I must get Sarah to fill you in on the relationship between Eve and Elspeth... they want the toy the other has, until they have it and the other has something else...
Simon needs to come again for more practice, it's the controller, he's not used to it.
Bird Feeder 3/5 full, 2/5 empty... now there's another debate....
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