Nana came to stay this weekend, Elspeth and Daddy went to the gym on Saturday morning whilst Sarah went to the market, very pleased with herself returning with "proper carrots", still with soil!! admittedly they did taste much better than the usual supermarket fare.
Saturday was a gloomy day and threatened rain and lots of it, so we stayed inside in the warm. We were pleasantly surprised that no rain fell, but by the time it had brightened up there was only about an hour's daylight left.
This morning was glorious, crisp and fresh with not a cloud in the sky. We ventured out to walk around Brodsworth again - it's so close! Above is the only section of stained glass in the "Target House" in the gardens.
Whilst wandering we saw some newly planted primulas and some established passion flowers that must believe that it is spring, as they are in full bloom.
And with the off-the shoulder look in the bitterly cold biting wind we had Elspeth.....
Bird Feeder 1/2 full...
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